The process and subject matter of my artwork is driven by the materials and their imperfections. It is in these marks and imperfections that the subject matter reveals itself. 

Working in acrylics provides limited time to make long drawn out decisions, therefore embracing the imperfections that arise and the designs that come forth of their own accord. The interplay of working in layers and textures is intriguing as it brings its own demands.

While these seem like limitations they are actually gifts as the works would cease to be without them.

Green Tea


Margaret was born in Los Angeles, California, and first experienced watercolors at three years old. When she was 16 years old she was gifted a set of acrylic paints from her father, which inspired her pursuit of formal art training. She studied Fine Arts at ArtCenter College of Design -Pasadena. Over the years Margaret has shown in galleries and co-ops in Los Angeles, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Orange County. Margaret resides just outside of Los Angeles.